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Welcome to Luminous Life Journey!

Let me take you on a journey! This is not your average journey. This is a recognizance mission to find the key that unlocks the buried treasure chest within the heart. It is rewiring the patterns, pathways, and stories to discover the new story and a new version of the self. It is an upgrade, an up level, and up ward spiral through transformation. The journey begins with dropping into the present reality and identifying if there is any old baggage to release, any old stories that need to be rewritten, or energetic contracts that no longer serve wellbeing and forward expansion. The process shines light into the shadows to illuminate the truths that will help set you free from that which has held you back from the life you want to live.

The next step is to look ahead and identify the destination. There is the dream destination and the fated destination. Life up to this point has had momentum. Some of it conscious and intentional, and some of it not. By aligning with a more intentional destination, through having a clear mission and purpose, and moving in the direction of dreams, life transforms into a collaborative and synchronistic dance.

The Luminous Life Journey therefore, is the process of stepping out of the momentum of life to reconnect with the light within and activate, awake, and align with your intended destiny.

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