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Breaking Free: Ending Unhealthy Relationship Patterns Under the Full Moon Eclipse in Libra

Welcome to the Eclipse Portal. The first eclipse of 2024 happens on the Full Moon. Eclipses are potent opportunities to be supported in creating positive change in our life. Sometimes we resist change. However, the truth is that change is inherent. On some level, we are always changing. Some changes are harder to make than others. Therefore, if change is called for in your life and you have been resisting the change that is before you, this eclipse portal consider taking the path of least resistance by aligning with the energies that are prevalent. This full moon eclipse in Libra is an opportunity to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns. As the moon in Libra sits with the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries there present an opportunity. On one hand is knowing who you are and remembering your inherent worth and value. On the other is an opportunity to evaluate and release patterns that do not support that awareness. When we choose to align with relationships that result in questioning our worth, doubting our self or our intuition, or setting our values aside in order to please another and make peace, we inevitably step out of integrity. This does not serve the highest good for anyone involved. Therefore, whether it's navigating codependency, improving communication, resolving conflicts, or establishing healthier boundaries, this celestial event invites you to embrace growth and cultivate fulfilling connections. Let's explore actionable insights and affirmations to foster healthier, more harmonious relationships under the radiance of the full moon eclipse.

Relationship Pattern #1: Codependency

Codependent relationships occur when one or both partners rely on each other for emotional fulfillment, self-worth, or identity. This pattern often leads to imbalance and can prevent individuals from developing healthy independence and self-esteem. Codependency is generally tied to a core wound that is best supported with therapy from a qualified therapist, it may be helpful in this eclipse portal to set the intent to begin seeking support for healing codependent patterns. Begin to look at where in your life you are expecting another to be the source of your identify, worth, or emotional fulfillment. The more that you are able to see where and how you are doing this, you will begin to become more self reliant. In addition begin working with the following affirmation. Recite this upon waking and before going to bed.

"I am whole and complete within myself. I trust in my own abilities and value my independence. I cultivate relationships that support and enhance my journey of self-discovery and growth."

Relationship Pattern #2: Lack of Communication

Effective communication is vital for the health of any relationship. Avoiding difficult conversations, withholding feelings, or resorting to passive-aggressive behavior can create tension and misunderstandings. Ending the pattern of poor communication can lead to greater understanding and intimacy. One of the most potent moments of my life was when I took a class on communication and learned how toxic my relationship was based on communication. It was a long journey through therapy and learning from that moment to point where I had been able to successfully recalibrate to more healthy relationship template. In the process, many relationships ended which brought along with it a lot of sadness and grief. This however was what has inevitably helped me break free of codependency and live a happier life. Begin by learning about communication styles and look for books and online courses that will help you learn about how you are using words and what you are communicating. Here at the full moon eclipse, you may also want to begin working with the following affirmation.

"I am open and honest in my communication with others. I express my thoughts and feelings calmly and respectfully. Through effective communication, I deepen my connections and foster understanding in my relationships."

Relationship Pattern #3: Unresolved Conflict

Yes, all relationships encounter conflict from time to time, however allowing conflicts to remain unresolved can lead to resentment, anger, and distance between partners. I was told in therapy once that resentment is hard to come back from. It builds over time and festers. Addressing conflicts openly and constructively, and finding mutually satisfactory resolutions, is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. The key here is mutuality. In order for conflict to be resolved both parties have to work mutually. If there is a power over dynamic at play, it may not be possible to resolve that relationship issue until the playing field is brought into a more mutual template. One way to address conflict is from a place of being open to learn and checking in to see if the other is also open to learn. If both parties are open to learn, both want to resolve the conflict, and willing to communicate in an emotionally honest way, then it is possible to find resolution. At this full moon eclipse, begin working with the following affirmation.

"I confront conflicts with courage and compassion. I seek to understand others' perspectives and communicate my own needs and boundaries clearly. By resolving conflicts constructively, I strengthen the bonds of trust and intimacy in my relationships."

Relationship Pattern #4: Boundary Violations

Healthy relationships require clear boundaries to establish individual autonomy and respect. Allowing boundaries to be repeatedly crossed, whether through emotional manipulation, invasion of privacy, or disregard for personal space, can erode trust and lead to feelings of resentment and insecurity. Ending this pattern involves asserting and respecting boundaries within the relationship. Ask yourself if you have communicated your boundaries clearly, if you have respected your own boundary, if you have understood someone else's boundary, and if you have crossed another's boundary. Sometimes the easiest way to know if you have crossed someone else's boundary is to open to learn and then ask them. If you find that you are not communicating your boundary clearly or not respecting your boundary, then self correction is called for. Sometimes this whole issue is resolved when we begin modeling how we want to be treated. We teach others how to respond to us by how we respond to our self. Therefore, this full moon eclipse is a good time to reflect and notice what the truth of your circumstance is. This will determine how you proceed. In addition, you can begin working with the following affirmation.

"I honor and respect my own boundaries, and I recognize and respect the boundaries of others. I communicate my boundaries confidently and assertively. In maintaining healthy boundaries, I create space for authentic connection and mutual respect in my relationships."

If you have found that your relationship to self or other has been the focus of this full moon eclipse, then use this time to reflect, come into clarity, and set intentions to begin doing the work to learn in order to grow beyond your current experience. By recognizing and releasing unhealthy relationship patterns, you pave the way for greater harmony, authenticity, and connection in your life. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, communication, and growth, knowing that with each step, you move closer to the fulfilling and balanced relationships you deserve. May the energy of this celestial event guide you toward a future filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect. Embrace the potential within, and let your relationships flourish under the gentle glow of the moon.

If you are interesting in beginning a journey of self discovery, please consider the Medicine Spiral Journey. This is a 10 week self guided journey to remember the truth of who you are and align with your truth north.

Please comment and share what insight is surfacing for you at this time.

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