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Begin: The Great Perfection

To begin... AI did not write this. A HomoLuminous did! From the heart, here it flows....

Take it or leave it.


Just like that, what has been is done! COMPLETE! What will be, will be. For now, it is time to breathe!

Onward to new horizons. Whatever that may look like.

Behind the scenes, beneath the surface, deep work has been done. Do not be fooled by appearances.

The Story, began with a Question: Why did you get into coaching?


It brought up from the deep earth a whole array of what I have been struggling with over the last four years, which mirrored an even deeper thread that stretched back to 2008 and likely even before that. That, however, is another story.


Two years before that question was asked, I was called into a massive personal declutter project.

This project stretched beyond the clothes closet where it started, beyond the parameters of this dimension into ancestral timelines, generational contracts, attachment theory, into the origin of value and worth, and then kept reaching, coiling until it found the point before it all. The point before the thought, the feeling, the intention, the point before it all. The best way I can describe it is with one word: Origin.


From that point, I began to walk forward, very aware, very slowly, all senses on deck, and clear. Clear first, organize later.


Why did I get into Coaching?


The Bodhisattva vow, "May I become a Buddha for the benefit of all.". To allow my natural gifts and talents to inspire, heal, grow, encourage, show the way for others for the highest most benevolent good. To do the deep personal work to be a clear channel. To show the way for others, requires clearing a path and building bridges first for the self.


To be a clear channel requires doing deep inner work to gain wisdom and insight into our own personal journeys and reason for being.


There are some who need to be of service because their value, worth, and whole identity is stored up into it. The wounded healers; those playing the altruistic martyr victim game.  They need to be needed; perhaps married to service in the name of self-sacrifice as though it somehow makes them more valuable and important in a backhanded kind of way.  Claiming to have the knowledge yet afraid to go in deep enough to learn. They make excuses for themselves, deceive, manipulate, lie to protect their current position. They hold to their gnosis as though it is the gospel while denouncing anything and anyone as bad, lesser, or not of the light that does not fit into their viewpoint.  They try to make others be who they need them to be, rather than allow others to be who they are.  They need to be in power and control and perhaps feed on other’s gifts, talents, and knowledge rather than be an expression of their own.  They consume to avoid.  They shop to fill the hole and give only so they can take in the name of sacred reciprocity. They see everything before them as for them, a thing to be possessed, consumed, won, acquired, overcome. 


However, what if it is not for you?  Have you stopped and asked permission to enter?  Or did you just take, consume, and assume because it is there, it is there for you? 


What if all of it is simply a distraction tactic to avoid looking at the self, taking personal accountability, and getting the house that is the self in order?  What if you have overstepped boundaries or acted out of integrity?


It is not about perfection.  We all take mis steps and fall off the curb sometimes.  Some of us even fall into ravines. 


To each their own, however personally, I prefer to work with people who are willing to show up, take accountability and do the work toward becoming a clear channel and wielding clear energy. I admire those who are living examples of mutuality, transparent respect and humility not born of shame and guilt. Those whose definitions of love are not self-soothing.


To walk this path, as the saying goes... "chop wood, carry water." I call it a practice.  It is a practice of energy clearing, internal observation, asking questions, deep listening, and learning to balance the flow while remaining open to learn, yet recognizing when not open to learn. This practice asks us to remember to ask permission rather than thrusting, trampling over into.  It asks us to take accountability, make amends, and genuinely ask for forgiveness when out of naivete lines were crossed and injuries occurred. It is not about shame and guilt, good/bad, right/wrong, it is about LEARNING. Mistakes will be made. This is great. For missed takes are opportunities to give. What are you giving?


Awareness #1: The Bodhisattva vow used to mean ignore and sacrifice self for others happiness, ripple no waters.  It was about other, not the self. Therefore, I tolerated less than favorable conditions for the self, allowed the self to be walked all over, believed I was unworthy, did not know, and gave myself fully to the healing and growth of others.  I became incredibly good at this. However, the soul song grew louder and the wisdom seed did bloom.  Now, I have learned the lesson and understand the gift.  I know that to truly walk the Bodhisattva path means that one must step fully into mastery.  To be able to hold a space for another that is truly free and clear, cannot be done from a place of low self-worth, ignoring the personal traumas just as much as it cannot be done from a place of self-grandiosity.  It is the middle way.  This is where the master’s door is.  The key? Is a question.  It opens when the master appears, asks the question, and then opens to learn through deep listening. It only appears locked to those trying to enter who have not done the good work.     


Awareness #2: I am not doing the work of clearing paths and building bridges so others can walk over them, throw trash upon them, and burn them down so no one else can cross the ravine. I am doing the work to lead by example, that is to show others how they too can do the work.  Someone once followed me as I walked along a curb in small town in Japan.  It was night.  I was pretending it was balance beam.  I kept almost falling and then catching myself.  I used to say, “muscles of balance are built from wobbling around”.  The person following me fell off.  Well, there was a deep-ish ravine to one side.  They barked at me, as if it were my fault they fell. 


Follow not!  This is not the path of followers and secret clicks.  It is the path for leaders on a path of self-discovery toward ascended mastery, who are here to really step out and rise in a way that has impact for the highest most benevolent good.  It is for those who walk side by side, in mutuality.  I have a gift, a wisdom that I am here to teach, guide, and share.  I am also a learner on the journey.  I am therefore, seeking leaders not minions.  


I step into mastery of that which I have mastered.  This is what I am giving.  Wisdom.

Rise above the mud to become the lotus.  At first bloom, the petals still stained with mud. Worry not, the process of unfolding transforms the mud into nutrients.  After all, the mud is merely an illusion.  The lotus is the mud is the water. All one source energy expanding contracting flowing from a point of……. Origin. 


The process, keep clearing and clearing until clarity arises.  Keep cleaning the river until the waters flow pure and clear.


The wisdom from Captain: The water will flow again.  This is all part of the natural process. Learn to navigate the channel.



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