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Mission Possible

Here presents an opportunity, should you choose to accept it!


Believe in yourself + Live your Best Life

Adventure Awaits (Banner (Landscape)) (1).jpg

What do you want to accomplish? 


Accomplishment of goals, dreams, and life change requires focus, persistence, determination, and aligned action in addition to mindfulness moments to recalibrate, refine, and clarify.  It natural to have a big hypothetical life dream or simple goal dangling at an illusive future point. The gap between where you are and where you want to be seems to remain the same. Along the pathway of life it is easy to get off track, lose sight of your dreams and goals, to feel like your dreams are impossible, or even forget you had a goal. Life drags on, when it does not have to.  If you are serious about making progress, a coach can help you identify, clarify, plan, and organize your process in a way that is fun, inspiring, and achievable.  This is the sole purpose of this coaching package.     


Whether this is your starting point or a rest stop, this is an opportunity to check in, get focused, set intention, re-motivate yourself, and identify inspiring action steps.  








In this program you are given an opportunity to:

  • Review the past to gain insight and wisdom regarding the path you have been on.

  • Look forward to refine and clarify where you want to be. 

  • Clear out and reconcile what is no longer in alignment. 

  • Set intention and identify inspired achievable action steps to close the gap.

This is a focused process meant to support you in getting aligned and on track in your life.

The journey includes 4 virtual one hour coaching sessions and 1 bonus session held over 5 consecutive weeks.

Session 1: Past Review
Session 2: Future Forecast
Session 3: Vision Quest (non traditional)
Session 4: Map (Goals)
Bonus Session 5: Oracle Reading + Activation Ceremony

To Join:

Register here and schedule your first session. 


Financial Assistance: 

If you would like to join and seeking financial assistance, please contact to request sliding scale options.

Request Financial Assistance


Scholarship Donations:

If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, please use the donation link below and your money will be applied to someone who is in need of assistance.

Donate to Scholarship Fund

And with that....this message will NOT self destruct. It WILL remain for a period of time as is, until it's next evolution unfolds.

May you find peace in your heart!
Sequoia Raven Moon

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