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Desert Highway


Whereas a retreat is a process of stepping back from or moving inward, a journey is an adventure that moves from one point to the next.  These virtual journeys that can be done from home and are meant to take you from one point in your life to another. Just like a journey in real life, a virtual journey can also bring you to a point of feeling transformed.  These are fun experiences that include meditations, art projects, journaling, oracle messages, full and new moon ceremonies, clearings and activations. They may be joined with life, spiritual, wellness coaching, spiritual guidance, and/or intuitive consultations for an even more expanded experience.  

"It's not always about the destination, but the journey"

Rise with the moon

The Illumination Journey ebbs and flows with the phases of the moon. The journey includes an oracle reading that will guide you through with daily insights, a photograph of your reading, journal questions, meditation, as well as a new and full moon ceremonies. There are virtual live small group journeys offered several times per year.  You may also request your own Illumination Journey and one will be created for you. 

Moon Stages

Request an Illumination Journey


Journey of Renewal

Restore and Redirect

There is a sacred map created by your heart. This 17 day self administered virtual journey that includes meditations, visualizations, sound healing, journaling, and movement explorations to guide you along in a journey of self discovery and renewal to spark your creativity, reignite your passion, and embody your unique, authentic, self. This may be combined with a live coaching component and oracle readings for deep insight, accountability, and intuitive guidance. 


Re-member, Re-organize, Re-calibrate

The Journey through the Medicine Spiral is a self guided virtual activation process that will take you through seven contemplative, interactive, exploratory experiences to organize your energy and get clear on the direction of your life. This journey will help you develop a healthier, more loving relationship with yourself. This is an advanced journey for those who are ready to take the deep dive and do the work.  Combine this with live coaching and oracle readings for guidance along the way.

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