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Activate Awake Align

Live life with meaning and purpose

Luscious Palm Leaves
I did a 6 week coaching package with Sequoia and I'm blown away by how much we accomplished. I had started to believe nobody would work with me beyond a certain point, well when I hit that wall during our work she was able to totally redirect and help me explore what's on the other side. I'm really grateful and excited to continue working with her in anything she's offering. We're doing an oracle journey now and it's super comprehensive, like nothing I've ever seen. And just about to embark on the next 10 week coaching package, here we go!! Onward and upward to the best version of life."

Tasia, California

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In the Soul Discovery call you will gain clarity about where you are, where you are intending to go, and receive a map with several potential routes.

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